FedEx Express is one of the world's largest express transportation companies, providing fast and reliable delivery to more than 220 countries and territories. FedEx Express uses a global air-and-ground network to speed up the delivery of time-sensitive shipments, by a definite time and date.
Easy steps to make international shipping more efficient than ever
Today, shopping is more than just about the product. Customers expect good service and an overall great experience. And a satisfied customer is more likely to turn into a loyal customer. A key factor in the service experience you offer your customers is your shipping.
As a business owner, you know the importance of an exceptional customer experience, but you also need to control costs. By following a few simple steps, you can ship more efficiently and deliver a great experience while reducing expenses. Let’s dive into a few of them.
1. Check your shipping options
The first step to efficient shipping is knowing all your options. A variety of carriers offer international shipping catering to every delivery speed, package size, destination, and budget. So, it’s important to evaluate the shipping partner that is the right fit for your business needs.
2. Get savvy with your packing
When it comes to shipping costs, every inch and ounce counts. So, it helps to avoid over-packing your shipments or using excessively large boxes filled with unnecessary cushioning. By optimising your packing, you'll reduce your shipping costs without compromising on the safety of your deliveries.
3. Take time to understand packing costs
Not everyone knows what ‘dim weight’ or dimensional weight can mean for their business. It is one of the most influential factors in your overall shipping cost – the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight. Familiarise yourself with the concept of dim weight to understand what you’re paying for when you send a shipment. This can help you save both time and money.
4. Offer delivery choice and easy returns
Customers today are more loyal to brands that offer a convenient shopping experience. In a crowded and competitive market, offering flexible delivery options and hassle-free returns can set your business apart. Make sure your customers always get to choose their preferred delivery option. Enable them to return packages easily and at no extra cost. This can go a long way in elevating your brand experience.
5. Use mobile shipping
Using mobile technology can help you manage your shipping anytime and anywhere. By using free shipping apps like the FedEx® Mobile app you can stay on top of your account rates, get quotes, create shipments, and track deliveries on the go.
6. Automate to improve efficiency
Save time and reduce errors by automating your shipping workflow with tools like FedEx Ship ManagerTM. Set preferences, build an address book, and let the programme auto-populate shipping forms for an easier experience. Automating routine tasks frees up valuable time you can use to focus on growing your business.
7. Use shipping-ready software
Logistics partners like FedEx have their shipping functions already integrated into leading business software and e-commerce platforms. Using FedEx-ready software can save you time spent on setup and you can start shipping to customers faster.
To learn more about smarter packaging, check out our How to Pack guide.
For further resources and support in taking your small business to new markets with international shipping, explore the FedEx Small Business Center.