market update

Market update: STI down 0.16%, YZJ top stock

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding led the index.

Market update: STI up 0.31%, Jardine C&C at the top

Jardine Cycle & Carriage is one of the top performing stocks.

Market update: STI up 0.91%

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding led the index.

Market update: STI up at 0.82%, Jardine C&C top gainer

Jardine Cycle & Carriage led the stock exchange.

Market update: STI down 0.32%

CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust was at the top.

Market update: STI up 0.58%

Jardine C&C led the index with 6.33%.

Market update: STI up 0.31%

Mapletree Logistics Trust was top gainer.

Market update: STI down 0.43%

City Developments Limited led the index.

Market update: STI up 0.19%

Jardine Matheson led the index.