Photo from Bady Abbas on Unsplash

OKP subsidiary to improve roadside drains under Estate Upgrading Programme

Improvements are to be completed in September 2026.

OKP Holdings Limited subsidiary, Eng Lam Contractors Co (Pte) Ltd, was awarded a $17.7m contract by PUB to improve old roadside drains under the Estate Upgrading Programme (EUP) batch 10 at Cheng San, Sunrise & Cactus Estates.

Eng Lam Contractors will be involved in the reconstruction of box drains, entrance culverts, open drains, box culverts, and sumps, as well as associated works, such as demolition.

ALSO READ: OKP secures two LTA contracts to enhance commuter safety

The programme also includes replacement, reconstruction, and installation of drop inlet chambers, amongst other ancillary works.

The 30-month contract started on 22 March 2024 whilst its completion is expected on 21 September 2026.


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