City Developments to commit $17m in rebates
Tenants to get full rental rebates in April, 50% in May.
City Developments Limited (CDL) is committing more than $17m in property tax and rental rebates, an announcement revealed. The move is to help its tenants tide over the COVID-19 outbreak.
The amount includes the full quantum of the government's enhanced property tax rebates which will be passed on to CDL's tenants. These enhanced rebates comprise 100% property tax rebate for qualifying commercial properties and 30% for businesses in other non-residential properties.
CDL also disbursed rental rebates to qualifying retail tenants in March and will continue to provide rental rebates of 100% in April and 50% in May.Further support packages may be rolled out steadily.
All non-essential businesses within CDL buildings will be closed from 7 April to 4 May in line with the Singapore government's stricter "circuit breaker" safe-distancing measures.
Meanwhile, some CDL buildings will remain open from 7 April to 4 May to facilitate the continued operations of businesses or stores offering essential services.