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SIA taps WebCargo to expand cargo services

The partnership opens access to more markets, especially in Asia-Pacific.

Singapore Airlines’ cargo capacity can now be accessed on WebCargo's platform, expanding its services in the Asia-Pacific region and giving customers more options.

Freightos, WebCargo’s parent company, said the flag carrier can provide a wider reach to freight forwarders that use its platform through the air line’s fleet of seven Boeing 747-400F freighters and over 190 Singapore Airlines and Scoot passenger aircraft serving more than 120 destinations.

Customers will access more Asia-Pacific destinations, such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, it added. 

Coverage on the platform will increase over the course of the year.

Freightos noted that its digital bookings for shipments from Asia more than doubled between Q4 2022 and Q4 2023, showing strong appetite for digitalisation. This is expected to accelerate following the addition of Singapore Airlines on the platform, the company noted.

ALSO READ: Singapore and Netherlands to establish container tracking service

"Singapore Airlines' partnership with WebCargo expands our reach to new markets, and provides our customers with a seamless user experience when they search, book, and track their shipments in real time. This enables us to better serve our customers by responding even more swiftly to their evolving needs,” said Singapore Airlines Senior Vice President of Cargo Marvin Tan. 

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