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HDB's October BTO launch features new flat classifications

The agency will also pilot a new White Flat layout in the launch.

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) will offer new Build-to-Order projects with updated classifications in the October sales launch.

Under the new classification, HDB will categorise flats based on their specific locational attributes.

Buyers will choose from Standard, Plus or Prime flats.

Given their higher market values, Prime and Plus flats will bear additional subsidies to keep them affordable for Singaporeans.

"The additional subsidies provided for Plus and Prime flats and conditions that come along with each category of flats will be calibrated accordingly," HDB said.

In the October BTO exercise, HDB will offer 8,500 flats in Ang Mo Kio, Bedok, Bukit Batok, Geylang, Jurong West, Kallang/Whampoa, Pasir Ris, Sengkang and Woodlands.

The launch will include 260 Community Care Apartments (CCAs) in Geylang.

In the October sales exercise, HDB will also pilot a new White Flat layout in Kallang/Whampoa town, comprising 310 units of 3-room and 4-room flats.

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