Incorporated in the year 2000 in Singapore, iFAST Corp provides a comprehensive range of investment products and services to financial advisory firms, financial institutions, banks, multinational companies, as well as retail and high net worth investors.
See below for the Latest iFAST News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.
iFAST Singapore launches China desk to meet Chinese investor needs
iFAST Singapore launches China desk to meet Chinese investor needs
The new desk will be established in Singapore and Hong Kong.
iFast Corporation Q3 net profit jumps 97.3% YoY to $16.81m on strong revenue
Gross revenue for the period was $99.14m.
iFAST Global Bank unveils cross-currency transfer service
This allow money transfers to over 50 countries in more than 25 currencies.
iFast credits ePension and wealth management for profit boost
In Q2, the company reported a 346.1% YoY higher net profit of $16.03m.
iFast prices $100m notes due 2029 at 4.328%
It is payable semi-annually in arrears.
iFast launches $300m debt programme
OCBC will act as the programme’s sole arranger and dealer.
iFAST Corp net profit leaps nearly five times over in Q1
The increase in earnings was driven by contributions from its ePension division, and improvements in its wealth management business.
iFAST Corp reports 340% YoY net profit surge in 2023
Growth was driven by its ePension division and overall core business improvements.
iFAST raises $105m from latest share placement
The share placement was oversubscribed, double the base deal size of $75m.
Grab-Singtel, iFAST apply for Malaysian digital bank license
Bank Negara Malaysia is expected to issue up to five licenses by Q1 2022.
Adapting to changing consumer needs in an evolving property market