, Singapore
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Singapore urged to take the lead in supporting green tech startups in Southeast Asia

Fairatmos’ success can act as a blueprint for other green tech startups to seek green financing investors.

Asian financial hub Singapore will play a vital role in identifying and supporting a broader green tech startup environment in Southeast Asia, as highlighted by Indonesia’s early-stage investment platform and advisory firm ANGIN.

Being home to many venture capital firms, Singapore can extend support to green tech firms in the region through funding, mentorship and networking, while the city-state’s government and other stakeholders can work together to create a conducive environment for sustainable investments, ANGIN said in a statement.

One instance is the funding provided by Singapore-based venture capital Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia and India (VVSEAI) to Fairatmos, a carbon tech platform based in Indonesia.

Jakarta-headquartered ANGIN is also a major supporter of Fairatmos, particularly on its product, Atmoswatch.

Fairatmos has secured green financing from VVSEAI, highlighting the opportunity for other green tech startups in the region seeking aid from investment platforms and venture capital firms

“Characterized by efficacy, this collaborative model offers a replicable framework for Singapore, demonstrating the potential for effective climate change combat through strategic alliances with firms,” it added.

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