
Seatrium and ABS ink 3-year deal to green maritime and offshore sectors

The agreement will focus on four key areas.

Seatrium signed a three-year Technology Collaboration Agreement (TCA) with ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) to accelerate decarbonisation and energy transition in the maritime and offshore sectors.

The agreement, “Accelerating Decarbonisation & Energy Transition,” will focus on four key areas: decarbonisation, electrification, new energies, and digital transformation.

Under the agreement, both parties will develop and market green retrofit solutions, including carbon capture, energy efficiency improvements, and the integration of low/zero carbon energy sources on offshore assets, electrification, and digital technologies.

“ABS and Seatrium have achieved great successes through our previous collaborations, and we are committed to harnessing our distinct strengths and capabilities to push the boundaries and transform the way we approach decarbonisation, energy transition, and digital transformation,” Chris Ong, CEO of Seatrium, said.

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