, Singapore
Food Empire

Food Empire to build $40.56m coffee-mix plant in Kazakhstan's Khorgos SEZ

The company expects to complete the facility by the end of 2025.

SGX-listed Food Empire has secured a 10-hectare plot in Kazakhstan's Khorgos Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for a new coffee-mix production facility.

The new $40.56m (US$30.0m) facility will occupy half the 10-hectare plot, leaving room for expansion. It will also be eligible for special provisions like various tax benefits unique to such zones.

Food Empire expects to commence construction by June, and the new facility to be completed and to start contributing to revenue by the end of 2025.

Upon completion, the facility will produce coffee-mix sachets for brands, including its flagship brand, MacCoffee, and create 300 jobs for the local Kazakh community.

The new facility will be Food Empire’s first manufacturing plant in Central Asia. The company has eight other plants strategically located across Asia and Eastern Europe.

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