, Singapore
Photo by National Cancer Institute from Unsplash

SAM Holdings and EnGeneIC partner to produce EDV-based anti-cancer products

The SGX-listed company gained exclusive global rights for EnGeneIC's EDV theranostics.

The Singapore Institute of Advanced Medicine Holdings (SAM Holdings) and EnGeneIC have formed a strategic partnership to revolutionise the cancer treatment landscape in Asia and provide better outcomes of life for patients. 

The partners will collaborate on a profit-sharing basis to produce EDV-based anti-cancer products and develop theranostics for cancer imaging and treatment.

SAM Holdings will help EnGeneIC secure funding and regulatory approvals for building a Singapore plant to manufacture EDV-based products, conduct clinical trials, and obtain marketing authorisation. 

In turn, SAM Holdings will receive exclusive distribution and marketing rights in 17 Asian countries.

In addition, SAM Holdings will work with EnGeneIC on pre-clinical testing and regulatory approval of EDV-based theranostics and receive exclusive worldwide distribution rights for these theranostics.

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