Nearly 4 in 5 workers are confident in discussing AI’s job impact with their boss

Millennials and senior managers are confident in doing so.

A new LinkedIn study showed that almost four in five workers (77%) express confidence in discussing AI’s impact on their job with their boss.

Particularly, more millennials (80%) and senior managers (93%) are confident about doing so compared to other generations and levels of seniority within their respective companies. 

Despite worries about AI ethicality, Singapore workers said the technology will reshape their careers with 97% saying they are excited to use AI at work and believe it will help them progress in their careers (93%). 

On productivity, 73% of professionals expressed that they are planning to use AI to solve problems or overcome obstacles at work. 

“Seven in 10 (69%) say they will use AI to get advice on handling difficult scenarios at work, and 68% say it will spare them the blushes as they’ll leverage AI tools to help them with the questions they’re too embarrassed to ask their colleagues,” read the study.

Here are LinkedIn’s advice for including AI in the workforce:

1.          Embrace the experts and tap into your network: Reach out to your network to share learnings and stay up to speed on AI by following thought leaders and subject matter experts on LinkedIn, including Dr Ayesha Khanna, Gerry Chng and Anthony Baker.

2.         Sharpen up your soft skills: Don’t underestimate the importance of showcasing your soft skills as AI continues to change the way we work. LinkedIn data in our AI at Work report shows that the skills required for many jobs in Singapore have changed by a staggering 25% since 2015, and with AI accelerating these shifts, people can expect their jobs to change even more quickly, with the skills required for many jobs will change by reaching at least 65% by 2030. LinkedIn data shows that some of the most in-demand skills by employers in Singapore today are soft skills such as communication and leadership. 

3.         Take advantage of existing tools: Use AI tools already available to you on LinkedIn including collaborative articles — knowledge topics published by LinkedIn with insights and perspectives added by the LinkedIn community. These articles begin as AI-powered conversation starters, developed with our editorial team. Next, with the help of LinkedIn's Skills Graph, the team connects each article with subject experts who contribute with their advice and insights. Microsoft’s WorkLab Guides also give helpful tips from how to use AI to dominate your task list to how to make in-person time count for your team.

4.         Acknowledge your AI worries: It’s okay to feel a little nervous or overwhelmed with new technology! People felt similarly when the internet was introduced and it’s important to remember that these changes don’t happen overnight. These are long-term changes and you can do the work to be part of the change, not just be impacted by the change of AI.

5.         Grow your AI skills: To help professionals gain more AI skills so they can stay ahead of the curve, LinkedIn is unlocking the most popular AI courses on Linkedin Learning for free until 15 December 2023. This includes AI courses such as:

1.          Generative AI for Business Leaders, Tomer Cohen

2.         What is Generative AI?, Pinar Seyhan Demirdag

3.         How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools, Dave Birss

4.         Machine Learning with Python: Foundations, Frederick Nwanganga

5.         Nano Tips for Using ChatGPT for Business, Rachel Woods

6.         Get Ready for Generative AI, Ashley Kennedy

7.         Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI, Ronnie Sheer

8.        Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs, Xavier Amatriain

9.         Python Data Structures and Algorithms, Robin Andrews

10.     GPT-4: The New GPT Release and What You Need to Know, Jonathan Fernandes

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