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8 in 10 marketers in Singapore ride the AI wave: report

Marketing teams who use AI are more likely to outperform.

A new survey by Salesforce showed 78% of marketers in the city-state have already integrated AI into their workflows or have experimented with it to stay competitive and potentially boost ROI.

In its State of Marketing report, marketers said they primarily use AI to generate content, automate customer interactions and improve customer segmentation or lookalike audience modeling. 

High-performing marketing teams are also 3.1x more likely than underperformers to have fully adopted AI. In general, they are most concerned about improving marketing ROI but many identified measuring results and engaging with customers in real time as their biggest pain points.

“AI makes personalisation at scale a reality, while also driving greater opportunity for brand consistency and storytelling at every touchpoint; and fuelling efficiency for our teams,” said Wendy Walker, vice president of marketing at Salesforce ASEAN.

Singaporean marketers were also found to be shoring up their data foundations although connecting disparate data points to create consistent and personalised experiences has been a struggle.

Only 21% of Singaporean marketers surveyed were fully satisfied with their ability to unify customer data sources, which is the second lowest across the globe, after only the Netherlands (19%).

The report also revealed that Singapore was the lowest globally in having access to real-time data to execute a campaign at only 42%. Meanwhile, 57% needed the help of their IT departments to do so. 

In utilising data for unified analytics, 49% have been tracking customer lifetime value, while 84% said they can see into marketing’s impact on revenue.

“As we embrace this technology, what becomes critical is the need for the data we work with to be unified across systems, to give us a comprehensive view of customer engagements,” Walker added. 

The report surveyed 4,850 marketers across 29 countries, including 100 from Singapore.

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