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Less than half of Singaporean cybersecurity professionals can identify attacks using deepfakes

More experienced data breaches and data lakes over the past year.

AI-assisted social engineering attacks are now considered a big threat by nearly all IT and security professionals in Singapore, but only 49% are confident that their teams could spot a deepfake-related cyber attack.

More than half (57%) experienced a data breach or data leak over the past 12 months, higher compared to last year but the volume of data breaches was still the lowest globally, according to the latest report cybersecurity firm Bitdefender.

Singapore respondents identified phishing/social engineering (38.5%) and ransomware (33.5%), insider threats (33.5%) and software vulnerabilities and/or zero-days (33.5%) as their top cybersecurity threats.

In managing cloud environments, half said they are struggling the most in identity access management as well as in maintaining cloud compliance. Only half of the respondents said they conduct regular audits and assessments to monitor cloud infrastructure.

Singapore cybersecurity professionals are also upping their game in managed services, with 97% planning to increase investment in proactive cybersecurity measures like pen testing and red teaming.

“We continue to see an escalation of attacks, in terms of volume, variety of attack surfaces and sophistication of attacks – particularly those enabled by AI,” said Paul Hadjy, VP of APAC and Cyber Security Services at Bitdefender. “To combat this, Singapore companies must look for more sophisticated cybersecurity solutions, and also attract and manage the right talent.

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