Image by Jens Neumann from Pixabay

How much will private and public homes cost in Bukit Timah Turf City?

The estate will yield up to 20,000 new homes.

Bukit Timah Turf City will yield up to 20,000 new homes over the next 20 to 30 years.

National Development Minister Desmond Lee said the estate will feature a mix of public and private housing, marking the first time in nearly 40 years that the government planned public housing for Bukit Timah.

"This is to meet the growing aspirations among Singaporeans to live closer to their workplaces in the city," Lee said.

Huttons expects private home prices in the Turf City housing estate to start from $2,500 to $3,000 psf when they are launched for sale a few years later.

For 4-room HDB flats, Huttons forecast a starting price of $600,000 when they are launched for application a few years later.

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