
Singtel unveils new growth plan 

Under the plan, Singtel and Optus will streamline product offerings.

Singtel launched ST28, a new growth plan aimed at improving customer experience and ensuring sustained value for shareholders.

Under the ST28, Singtel Singapore and Optus merged their consumer and enterprise units to foster synergies and innovation, enhance cost efficiency, and strengthen the competitiveness of both companies in a sector experiencing structural declines.

Singtel and Optus will streamline product offerings and leverage AI to enhance customer experiences, reduce costs, and strengthen market leadership.

Singtel also identified new growth engines and scaled in the ICT and data centre spaces, with NCS and Nxera expanding into the region.

Nxera will also expand its operational data centre capacity from 62MW to over 155MW in the region. It is developing three next-generation AI-ready data centres in Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand. 

In addition, Singtel plans to scale up its Paragon platform with greater adoption by telcos, enterprises, and satellite operators globally and use Nxera and Paragon to explore GPU-as-a-Service, targeting AI deployment at scale in Singapore and the region.

Under ST28, Singtel will pursue smart capital management following its recent capital recycling program, which raised $88b. With a pipeline of $6b in monetisable assets, this strategy will fund growth initiatives and pilot new revenue streams like GPU-as-a-Service and Paragon.

Singtel will also collaborate with external capital partners to fund capital-intensive growth engines.

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