/Waldemar from Unsplash

Union Gas ventures into EV Charging sector with Deltrix deal

The collaboration extends beyond Singapore, highlighting company's regional ambitions in EV market.

Union Gas Holdings plans to expand its product offerings to include Electric Vehicle (EV) charging solutions. The announcement follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Deltrix, a Hong Kong-based provider of charging solutions.

Currently, Union Gas operates four EV charging nozzles at its headquarters located at 89 Defu Lane 10, with intentions to gradually increase this number to 16 over the next two years. 

Additionally, the company aims to install charging stations at its Cnergy fuel station at 50 Old Toh Tuck Road, along with exploring potential locations across Singapore.

ALSO READ: FedEx Express pioneers first EV delivery from Malaysia to Singapore

"As a fuel products provider with a history of more than 40 years, we are always on the lookout for new energy solutions to seize business opportunities and meet market demands." Teo Hark Piang, CEO of Union Gas said in a local bourse filing.

Highlighting the regional scope of their ambitions, Teo mentioned that the MOU with Deltrix extends beyond Singapore to encompass Japan and the Southeast Asia region. 

However, he emphasised the importance of establishing a robust network in Singapore before venturing into other markets.

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