CCCS uncovers bid-rigging scheme by Tarkus and Flex Connect

The bid-rigging affected tenders worth $150,000 to $7.7m.

The Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS) issued a Proposed Infringement Decision (PID) against companies for bid rigging tenders for interior fit-out construction services.

The PID was issued against Tarkus and Flex Connect Pte Ltd, formerly known as Facility Link (FL), on 23 May after engaging in bid-rigging conduct, affecting tenders worth between $150,000 and $7.7m in value and involved 12 properties, including offices, retail spaces, and F&B establishments.

The two companies provide interior fit-out construction services, including the construction of interior partitions, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing works and finishings. 

CCCS’ investigations revealed anti-competitive agreements and/or concerted practices between Tarkus and FL to collude by bid-rigging tenders.

The bid-rigging arrangements also hindered customers from receiving the best value offers by eliminating the competitive pressure between the parties in tenders.

The tenders affected by the arrangements between Tarkus and FL were called from August 2016 to August 2021. 

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