IPC - Connecting the World’s Financial Trading Venues and Market Participants
Connexus Platform Enhances Global Markets Access & Trading Efficiency.
In an increasingly competitive and global financial trading environment, the goal - and challenge - for every financial trading venue is growing market share and increasing revenues. This involves increasing volumes traded by exchange ‘members’ and developing broader service offerings like market data feeds to expand its client base.
At the same time, trading firms and other financial market participants expect fast and efficient access to financial trading venues and new strategic market opportunities. Both of these segments – exchanges and financial firms – are operating in an increasingly competitive environment. As such, efficient onboarding and faster ‘time to market’ is an imperative on both sides.
For exchanges and trading venues, removing commercial and technical barriers to entry for those with whom they want to reach is a key factor in reducing ‘time to market’ and accelerating revenue realisation. Obstacles on the client side with respect to efficient exchange ‘connectivity’ include the high cost of capital investment (assets on book & long-term fixed contracts), connectivity complexities (to venues, counterparties, and financial centres) and logistics, including excessively long implementation lead times of 12 months and longer, ownership (and associated liabilities and tax contingencies) and efficient management of multiple suppliers including data centres and hardware service providers.
As a longstanding pioneer and innovator in trading connectivity and communications technologies, IPC understands the complexities and challenges associated with ‘connecting’ the disparate infrastructures, technology frameworks and needs of different financial market participants. Recognising this, its Connexus Platform supports the spectrum of network infrastructure and service solutions, from ‘low touch’ data centre colocation and hosted connectivity to fully managed, cloud-enabled IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
Accessibility - and reach - for venues and firms is optimised through partnerships with other industry-leading providers. For example, IPC’s partnership with Celoxica brings together the best of IPC network service capabilities with Celoxica’s Market Access Gateway in a hosted, fully managed, colocation solution that delivers highly efficient access to Taiwan’s financial markets.
“Our commitment to continuous technology innovation, and collaborations with specialist financial services providers, enables trading venues and firms to completely rethink (and retool) the management of traditionally high-cost, high-maintenance operational resources associated with network and communications IT, data management and client connectivity,” says Bob Santella, IPC CEO. “At the same time, we are also shifting the commercial paradigm from pragmatic ‘build or buy’ investment decisions to embrace nimbler and more flexible ‘as a service’ business models.”
About IPC
Today, Connexus Platform connects a global capital markets eco-system of 200+ exchanges, brokers, ISVs and ECNs with financial markets participants in every corner of the world. In conjunction with IPC’s ultra-low latency Network Services solutions, IPC delivers flexible, nimble and efficient global market access that reduces time to market and extends client reach for trading venues and enhances speed and efficiency of market access for financial firms.
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