Senoko Energy wins SBR Technology Excellence Awards 2024 with SolarShare 

The platform democratises access to renewable energy, allowing entities to directly support local solar initiatives.

Electric utility company Senoko Energy was lauded at the recently held SBR Technology Excellence Awards 2024 for winning the ESG Tech - Energy category with its pioneering platform SolarShare which revolutionises how consumers interact with solar energy.

SolarShare allows users to search for and purchase locally generated solar energy at their preferred price. Regardless of what type of consumers they are, the platform provides them with the tools to access clean energy with ease.

Its peer-to-peer trading model also allows clients to select their preferred seller or prosumer. As a buyer or consumers, they can set their maximum price and let SolarShare match them for the best deals every half hour. Consumers are charged a platform subscription fee of as low as $5.40 monthly for using SolarShare to trade. It also allows them to change their bid price dynamically, with changes taking effect before the start of the half-hour interval.

At the same time, SolarShare allows businesses and households to measure and trace the source, time, and price of solar energy over the grid. This transparency enables them to monitor their energy usage and make informed decisions to further reduce their carbon footprint.

The accessibility provided by SolarShare helps accelerate Singapore’s net-zero emissions ambition by encouraging property owners to install solar panels for sustainable energy consumption and the generation of clean sustainable energy for the community. This excess generation can be shared with the community, and give them the chance to do their part in helping to strengthen Singapore’s energy security.

Since being launched commercially in October 2023, SolarShare has already exceeded its sign-up target by 110%.

Senoko Energy believes that the platform is going to have immense expansion opportunities when green energy imports and battery storage become more prevalent, in line with the government's net-zero emission goals by 2050.

“SolarShare represents a paradigm shift in the energy landscape, where sustainability meets affordability, and communities come together to build a brighter future for generations to come,” the company said.

SBR Technology Excellence Awards recognises exceptional companies in Singapore that are riding the digital disruption wave and leading the technological revolution and digital journeys of their respective industries.

The SBR Technology Excellence Awards is presented by Singapore Business Review Magazine. To view the full list of winners, click here. If you want to join the 2025 awards programme and be acclaimed for your company's outstanding contributions in pursuit of technological innovation, please contact Jane Patiag at [email protected].

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