Photo from Sakal Real Estate Partners.

Four adjoining new F&B, retail units for sale

The indicative price for Tedge Retail is $18m.

Tedge Retail, a four adjoining freehold brand new food and beverage and retail units, at the junction of Changi Road and Telok Kurau is for sale for $19m through the expression of interest.

In a statement, Sakal Real Estate Partners said that Tedge Retail has a combined strata area of 5,576 square feet (sq ft), with the F&B units allowed to operate immediately.

Tedge is a five-storey residential development with 42 residential units, with four commercial units on the first floor developed by Macly Group.

ALSO READ: Is Singapore on the path to recapture its status as a regional retail hub?

Tedge Retail is allotted six carpark lots within the development. The asking price translates to $3,228 per square foot in strata area.

The submission of the expression of interest ends on 16 August at 3 pm.

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