SP Group
SP Group is a state-affiliated utilities group that provides a suite of sustainable energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the Asia Pacific.
See below for the Latest SP Group News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.
EMA, SP Group work on Singapore’s grid capabilities roadmap
EMA, SP Group work on Singapore’s grid capabilities roadmap
They also teamed up to study virtual power plants.
SP Group deploys 240 MWp agrivoltaic project in China
This will be fully operational by the end of 2024.
SP Group wins bid to develop a district cooling and heating system in Chengdu, China
Total investment estimated to exceed RMB 200m ($37.27m)
SP group to invest $76m in 90MW aquavoltaic farm in Qingdao
The farm can generate 162 million kilowatt-hours of green electricity annually.
Solar panels to light up 7 Frasers Property retail spaces
The installation will be managed by SP Group.
SPTel, SpeQtral to build SG's first nationwide quantum-safe network
The network will use quantum cryptography to achieve unprecedented levels of security.
SP Group to develop smart energy solutions for industrial park in Vietnam
Frasers Property Vietnam is the developer of the industrial park.
Electricity tariff raised by 2.21 cents per kWh
The increase was implemented on the back of higher energy costs.
Changi, Porsche partners for Changi Airport's EV-charging points
The chargers are provided in partnership with SP Group.
SG’s Grid Digital Twin aims to improve power supply management
This was created in collaboration with government agencies, industry players and research experts.
SPTel platform digitalises urban farms for improved processes, crop yield
The platform by the joint venture between ST Engineering and SP Group was first deployed at AbyFarm.
SP Group tests technology to tap energy on EVs to power grid
This lets the batteries on EVs act as small Energy Storage Systems.
Adapting to changing consumer needs in an evolving property market