, Singapore
Screenshot from Prime Minister's Office Singapore

Singapore, Malaysia set to deepen ties, look for new areas of cooperation

Wong said the Johor-Singapore SEZ will boost trade and the exchange of talent.

Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said he will make sure the city-state will continue to have strong, deeper ties with Malaysia as the two nations look for new areas of cooperation.

In a press conference on Wednesday, Wong said he and Malaysia Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim agreed the two nations will keep pursuing win-win cooperation and extend their existing ties, which span from health, education, culture, trade and investments, connectivity, to renewable energy.

“I am sure we will be able to work effectively together to take our bilateral ties forward,” he said. “There will be continuity in terms of our overarching strategic approach in engaging one another, but also opportunities for new ideas to deepen our ties further, ideas like the ones we discussed over lunch.”

Wong also highlighted the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone and the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System Link during his speech. 

He expects these projects will help boost trade and the exchange of talent, while bringing the two nations closer together.

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Cards & Payments SBR National Business Awards 2024 Winner: Wiseasy Technology Pte Ltd
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