Toll Group opens S$300m toll offshore petroleum services facility

Meant to expand regional presence.

The Asia Pacific region’s leading provider of logistics, Toll Group, has opened its landmark S$300 million Toll Offshore Petroleum Services (TOPS) facility in Loyang, Singapore. It follows a five year redevelopment that makes TOPS the leading supply base for companies in the marine, offshore and oil and gas industries in the region.

Toll Group Managing Director Brian Kruger said the landmark investment is part of Toll’s strategy of establishing a successful presence in the region.

“Since acquiring the site in 2006 and then receiving the approval to develop it in 2008, we have transformed the site into a world-class supply base that increases the efficiency and capabilities of the marine, offshore and oil and gas industries,” Mr Kruger said.

“The 32 hectare site is actually 40 per cent smaller than the previous facility, and part of our S$300 million investment was put towards maximising the use of land to achieve this. In addition, TOPS’ proximity to Changi Airport makes it an excellent interface between air, land and sea for our customers. As a result we can now offer a broad range of services that capitalises on our expertise as the leading provider of integrated logistics in the Asia Pacific region.”

Singapore Economic Development Board Executive Director Mr Lim Kok Kiang, who also attended the opening, said TOPS was a great example of leading companies investing in Singapore.

“Toll’s significant investment has upgraded Singapore’s offshore logistics capabilities to serve the growing marine and offshore, oil and gas industries. This redevelopment demonstrates the strong partnership between industry and the government to develop innovative solutions that encourages operational efficiency,” Mr Lim Kok Kiang said.

Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the facility’s berthing length of almost 1,000 metres and water depth up to 8.5 metres at all tide variance allows it to service more than 11 vessels at once, including large vessels such as drill ships.

Other features of the TOPS facility include in-house documentation and customs clearance, extensive warehousing capabilities including a multi-story ramp-up warehouse, centrally managed lay down areas, and designated areas for the safe storage of dangerous goods.

TOPS also provides international freight and global forwarding services for the oil and gas industry, and the proximity to Singapore’s Changi Airport helps Toll offer full service air, land and sea capabilities. More than 130 companies are currently operating within the facility. 

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