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EMA and IEA advance regional power grid development with capacity-building programme


The programme saw participation from 160 individuals.

The Energy Market Authority (EMA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) have teamed up to advance regional power grid developments through capacity-building initiatives.

EMA and IEA, through the Singapore-IEA Regional Training Programme on Catalysing Interconnectivity in ASEAN, convened 160 participants to share best practices and develop expertise in cross-border electricity trading, with an emphasis on financing, market models, and regional cooperation frameworks for subsea cables.

The programme also discussed advancing the ASEAN Power Grid vision and supported Lao PDR’s ASEAN Chairmanship. 

The programme is the eighth instalment of the Singapore-IEA Regional Training Hub initiative, bringing together policymakers, regulators, utilities, and industry stakeholders from 19 Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific countries.

Experts forecast cross-border electricity trading to be the key to realising Southeast Asia’s renewable energy potential, bringing multiple benefits such as reduced system costs, increased energy security, and the ability to integrate higher shares of variable renewable energy.

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