Commemorative $20 bill unveiled for Singapore's bicentennial

It can be availed in nine major retail banks.

A $20 currency note has been launched by president Halimah Yacob to commemorate Singapore’s Bicentennial, an announcement revealed.

There will be two million pieces of the commemorative note available for public exchange at face value at the branches of nine major retail banks including DBS, OCBC, UOB, Bank of China, Citibank Singapore, ICBC, Maybank, Standard Chartered, and HSBC. They will be available from 10 June onwards.

Issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the note features a portrait of Mr Yusof Ishak, Singapore’s first president on the front, alongside the former Supreme Court and City Hall, which are now the National Gallery Singapore. Meanwhile, the back of the note showcases eight pioneering individuals who were part of a broadcast from different lands, and made significant contributions in building the nation’s education, culture and community service,sports and defence.

“The eight individuals are portrayed against a backdrop of the old Singapore River, flowing into present-day Singapore. The river was at the heart of Singapore’s development as a trading port, and later our transformation into a business and financial hub,” MAS explained.

Designed by local artists Eng Siak Loy and Weng Ziyan, the note also features a multi-coloured lattice-work that reflects Singapore’s rich and diverse cultural tapestry.The ‘20’ denomination, Singapore Coat of Arms, Singapore Bicentennial logo, and the years ‘1819’ and ‘2019’ are depicted in gold with dynamic optical effects in a security stripe.

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