, Singapore
Photo from Hu Chen on Unsplash

Soup Holdings disclosed food safety regulations violation and receipt of intended summons

The company has contract pest control for regular inspections

Soup Holdings Limited disclosed that it had five incidents of non-compliance with regulations which led to a warning from the Singapore Food Agency and one incident where it received a letter of intended summons from the regulator.

In an announcement on SGX, the company explained that the issuance indicated a breach of SFA’s food safety regulations due to an observation of small cockroaches in one of its outlet’s wooden cabinets for paper roll storage during a regular inspection.

Soup Holdings said that receiving of letter of intended summons indicates a violation of food safety regulations. A licensee that incurs 12 demerit points or more within 12 months could have their suspended for two to four weeks, or cancelled depending on record.

"The outlet was not suspended from operating since we are within the 12 demerit points allowance," it said.

ALSO READ: Food factory at 30 & 32 Tuas Avenue 12 up for sale for $19.0m

Meanwhile, the company has contracted pest control to conduct regular inspections and implement extermination measures in all outlets.

Standard operating procedures have also been implemented for staff to carry out their daily tasks.


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