, Singapore
Photo from NUS

NUS uses magnetic pulses to activate muscle cells’ defences vs. cancer

This method was able to inhibit signs of cancer progression. 

Scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have discovered a drug-free and non-invasive approach that could enhance treatment of cancer patients through the use of magnetic pulses. 

The method, which was unveiled by the team led by Associate Professor Alfredo Franco-Obregón from the NUS Institute for Health Innovation & Technology, looked into stimulating the muscle through brief and mild pulsed electromagnetic field exposure. This was to produce and release proteins possessing anticancer properties. 

These soluble chemical molecules can then be carried in the bloodstream to all regions of the body for system-wide protection against cancer, NUS said in a statement.

“The BICEPS lab’s method of stimulating muscle cells uses a form of magnetic therapy that exhibits key commonalities with exercise,” Obregón noted.

He said this discovery is a step closer “towards the development of drug-free therapeutics and the discovery of cancer-related biomarkers to help patients with cancer benefit from exercise-stimulated anticancer agents whilst not being able to exercise.”

In the study, the researchers first tested their hypothesis at the cellular level and found that muscle cells that underwent magnetic therapy could inhibit breast cancer cell growth, invasion and migration, which are signs of cancer progression. Magnetically-stimulated muscle cells were also able to shrink micro-tumours and reduce their blood vessel formation.

The experts then validated their tissue culture findings.

“They demonstrated that 10-minute exposure to magnetic therapy once a week for eight weeks was sufficient to evoke similar anticancer properties – such as preventing the growth, invasion and migration of breast cancer cells – as that produced by exercising twice a week for 20 minutes per session for eight weeks,” NUS said.

The team also found that a previously suspected tumour suppressor, HTRA1, was secreted from muscle cells exposed to 10 minutes of magnetic fields per week, similar to exercising for 20 minutes twice a week. 

Selectively removing HTRA1 eliminated its anticancer potency, whereas directly applying synthetic HTRA1 to cancer cells recreated the anticancer effect of magnetic field exposure and exercise. These demonstrate that HTRA1 is necessary and sufficient to explain the anticancer effect of muscle, the experts said. 

Furthermore, “the researchers showed that early exposure of isolated muscle cells (in tissue culture) to HTRA1 stimulated their development and increased their anticancer potency,” NUS said. 

ALSO READ: IHH Healthcare unveils proton therapy centre for cancer treatment

The scientists are currently initiating clinical trials to assess the anticancer potential of muscle-targeted magnetic therapy and to corroborate the anticancer effects of HTRA1 in humans with breast and other cancers.

They are also hoping to identify other anticancer biomarkers produced and released by muscle cells.

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