, Singapore
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Singapore-based biotech firm ArrowBiome raises US$1m in seed funding

The firm looks to tap the booming global market of skincare.

Singapore-based biotech firm ArrowBiome on Tuesday announced that it reached US$1m in its seed funding round from early-stage venture capital firm, Cocoon Capital.

Arrow Biome said the funds will be used for research and development and clinical validation that could help the company establish more commercial partnerships become a leader in microbiome management globally.

Particularly, the fresh capital will be used to support the development and commercialisation of its microbiome management solutions targeting specific bacterial strains. 

Chong Goh, founder and CEO of ArrowBiome, said their initial focus is to provide solutions for skin-related applications like skincare products, and eventually develop solutions for gut microbiome and antimicrobial resistance.

The firm pointed to a huge market for its novel skincare solutions, with acne problems affecting 85% of teenagers and young adults worldwide and armpit odor a major issue for the majority of the global population.

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