, Singapore

Cordlife Group names Jonathan Liau Yen San as senior director

He will be responsible for the Group's businesses in India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Cordlife Group announced the appointment of Jonathan Liau Yen San as senior director (India, Indonesia and Philippines).

Mr Liau, 34, holds a Master in Biochemical Engineering from the University College London and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He also has approximately nine years of relevant experience. He was the COO of Cordlife Limited (now known as Life Corporation Limited) prior to Cordlife Group Limiteds acquisition of Cordlife Limiteds Cord Blood Banking business in India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

He will be one of the key officers of the Company who is responsible for the businesses in India, Indonesia and the Philippines, according to a Cordlife Group report.

In the past he was acting senior director for India, Indonesia and the Philippines (July 2013 until his current appointment), COO (January 2012 to July 2013) of Cordlife Group and head of business development (August 2008 to January 2012) of Life Corporation Services (formerly known as Cordlife Services).

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