, Singapore

SMEs to be fitted with mentors as MTI launches new SkillsFuture programme

Over 400 mentors will be recruited.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore are about to become more competitive as the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) launches its SkillsFuture mentors programme, which will assign mentors to a number of businesses.

According to a speech by S Iswaran of the MTI, the programme will further enhance in developing SMEs’ workforce, strengthen their learning and develop their capabilities for business growth as they learn from the experience of mentors.

“Their deep knowledge of industry practices and experience in workplace learning and development mean that they are well-placed to provide valuable insights into capability upgrading for our SMEs,” Iswaran said.

Iswaran added that the mentors will be deployed to support SMEs over a nine-month period, during which they will study the enterprise’s learning and development systems and make recommendations for improvement.

“They will also assist with the review and enhancement of SMEs’ internship or On-the-Job (OJT) training plans, and help guide company supervisors and managers in training delivery,” he added.

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