, Singapore
Photo from Pall Corporation

Pall Corporation opens new $150m facility in Singapore for semiconductor chips

The new facility will create up to 300 jobs.

Pall Corporation launched its new $150m manufacturing facility in Singapore to meet the rising demand for advanced node semiconductor chips within the global semiconductor industry.

The facility will primarily produce lithography and wet-etch filtration, purification, and separation solutions.

The seven-acre facility spans over 18,000 sq m of high-volume manufacturing (HVM) and office space.

Plans for the facility include integrating core research and development capabilities to assist industries with high demands for data processing and storage.

The new facility will create up to 300 jobs in the next few years in science, engineering, and advanced manufacturing.

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SBR National Business Awards 2024 Winner: Wiseasy Technology Pte Ltd Cards & Payments
Lay Cheng Tan, Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer, and Mayank Raheja, Managing Director (EMEA & SA) of Wiseasy Technology Pte Ltd, provided insights into preventing fraud and inefficiency with the WiseQ QR Payment Solution.
Cards & Payments SBR National Business Awards 2024 Winner: Wiseasy Technology Pte Ltd
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