, Singapore
From left to right: Dr. Rüdiger Schmolke, CTO of Siltronic; Claudia Schmitt, CFO of Siltronic; Dr. Kim Yong Kwan, Siltronic Silicon Wafer Board of Directors Member; Jacqueline Poh, EDB Managing Director; Dr. Michael Heckmeier, CEO of Siltronic; Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister; Niew Bock Cheng, Siltronic Singapore Site President; Tan Boon Khai, CEO of JTC; Dr. Tobias Ohler, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Siltronic; Klaus Buchwald, COO of Siltronic; Bernhard Schmidt, Project leader of new fab and Siltronic Senior VP Engineering/Strategic Procurement. (Press photo)

Siltronic AG launches advanced wafer fab facility in Singapore

It was completed after more than 500 days of construction and approximately 23 million working hours.

Siltronic AG has inaugurated its new advanced wafer fabrication facility at JTC’s Tampines Wafer Fab Park in Singapore. 

In a statement, the group said that the milestone was achieved after more than 500 days of construction and roughly 23 million working hours.

The highly automated fab was officially opened in the presence of 150 guests, including Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat. 

The facility, commissioned earlier this year, will ramp up to full capacity over the next few years.

"With our new fab, we will accompany the future growth of the wafer industry for many years to come and take Siltronic to a new level,” said Dr. Michael Heckmeier, CEO of Siltronic AG. “What the entire team, including all business partners, has achieved is a masterpiece, and I would like to thank everyone for their outstanding contribution.”

Jacqueline Poh, managing director of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), also highlighted the strategic importance of the new fab. 

“As one of top five global wafer suppliers, Siltronic’s new fab is a significant expansion that not only supplies to Singapore’s semiconductor industry but also strengthens the resilience of the global semiconductor supply chain,” she said. 

“This investment will create good jobs and further grow the existing collaboration that Siltronic has with local suppliers in automation and precision components,” Poh added.

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