Derivatives traded volume grew 16% in August MoM: SGX
The derivatives went up to 23.7 million contracts.
The bourse said derivatives volume increased as more global investors turned to SGX Group’s trusted and liquid platform to manage risk whilst China boosted its economic recovery.
Derivatives traded volume increased 16% in August on both a month-on-month (MoM) and year-on-year (YoY) basis to 23.7 million contract. Derivatives' daily average volume (DAV) went up 7% MoM to 1 million contracts.
Equity index futures traded volume on SGX Equity Derivatives rose 12% MoM in August to 14 million contracts, which was led by an 18% MoM increase in SGX FTSE China A50 Index Futures to 8.7 million contracts.
Trading of the A50 futures was the third-most active on record on 28 August, following China’s decision to reduce stamp duty on securities transactions as part of its economic stimulus measures.
SGX MSCI Singapore Index Futures volume climbed 5% MoM in August to 1.2 million contracts, “with elevated overnight T+1 activity of almost four times typical levels observed in mid-August in tandem with news flow on corporate earnings.”