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The sustainability imperative for data centres

As sustainability climbs up in agendas, organisations are now using green initiatives to drive positive changes.

The sustainability imperative for data centres

As sustainability climbs up in agendas, organisations are now using green initiatives to drive positive changes.

Bringing fun and joy to online shopping this Christmas

Alibaba Cloud in Singapore General Manager Derek Wang on how to enjoy the festive season despite the crisis.

What to expect in the investment and online mobile brokerage industry in 2021

Interesting trends from Tiger Brokers to look out for in the year ahead.

More purposeful businesses arise from challenging times

More than 70 organisations were conferred as Champions of Good 2020.

Alibaba generates $101.46b GMV in the 11.11 Global Shopping Festival 2020

Its digital infrastructure handled 583,000 orders per second during peak activity.

What to expect in Alibaba's 11.11 Global Shopping Festival 2020?

Evolution from a ‘single’ to a ‘double’ festival to provide more opportunities for merchants.

Things to note when expanding investment portfolio internationally

Tiger Brokers Singapore reveals ways on how to invest hard-earned money.

Super Foods Peru to conquer the Asian market

The brand aims to promote its agricultural products through multiple projects, including a collaboration with Singaporean retailers.

How iText Software refines efficiency of businesses' digital document workflows

As the NDI ecosystem creates a need for digital document workflows, iText Software offers its solutions.

Experience secure gold trading at your fingertips with Everest Gold

This trailblazing trading platform allows retail investors to safely buy and sell gold online.

Alibaba.com Ramps Up Efforts to Help B2B SMEs Embrace Digital Commerce

“Project Sprout Up” helps Singapore exporters pursue opportunities in post-pandemic landscape.

YOON Salon: Premium Post-Lockdown Hair Boost

The Singapore-based salon’s impressive hair styling and treatment services will bring your tresses back to a luxurious and refreshed state.

ABAC Center of Excellence explains ISO 37001's role against bribery and corruption

CEO Zafar Anjum says it’s less costly to certify compared to the loss suffered with being charged with bribery.

TPC Law explains how the new Payment Services Act will affect fintech firms

Seeking quality legal advice can help companies understand the law’s new regulatory and licensing issues.

Improved forecasting and digital marketing strategies in times of crisis

Marketing, much like disaster management, requires foresight, planning, preparation and every capable employee.

BASIS ID to support SMEs with free identity verification service

BASIS ID will dedicate 1 million free verifications to companies from APAC to help them recover from the crisis.