Photo by Margaux Bellott on Unsplash

Japanese firms secure $242m deal for CRL phase 2 tunnel construction

The firms will construct tunnels between CR18 and CR19 stations.

A joint venture of Japanese firms Nishimatsu Construction and Okumura Corporation Singapore Branch won the $242m contract for the design and construction of tunnels between the West Coast station (CR18) and Jurong Lake District station (CR19) for Cross Island Line (CRL) Phase 2.

Nishimatsu Construction is also constructing the tunnels between Tampines North station (CR6) and Defu station (CR7).

The company also previously did tunnelling work at Keppel station for Circle Line 6 and Gardens by the Bay station for the Thomson-East Coast Line.

Meanwhile, Okumura Corporation worked on projects such as the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System, the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway, and the Taipei MRT Airport Line.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said the contract covers the construction of twin bored tunnels, each extending 2.4 kilometres beneath the Sungei Pandan Canal and infrastructures like the West Coast Highway and Ayer Rajah Expressway.

"These tunnels are projected to reach depths of up to 40 metres, surpassing the typical 30-meter depth for other stations," the LTA added.

LTA expects the tunnel construction to begin in Q4 2024 and commence passenger services cor CRL Phase 2 in 2032.

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