Photo from SingPost

SingPost and Kazakhstan's QazPost team up to advance eCommerce and logistics

The partners will exchange knowledge, conduct training, and explore future collaborations.

SingPost and Kazakhstan-based QazPost entered a strategic cooperation agreement to boost eCommerce and logistics and bolster development in both countries.

Under the agreement, both parties will engage in knowledge exchange and training programs and explore additional areas for future collaborations.

"This strategic cooperation with SingPost is a significant step towards modernising our operations and expanding our capabilities to further improve our customers' experience," Asel Zhanassova, chairman of the Board of JSC QazPost, said.

"We believe this partnership will be a catalyst for growth in eCommerce and logistics, benefiting businesses and consumers alike," Zhanassova added.

The agreement is part of high-level agreements exchanged between Kazakhstan and Singapore, witnessed by Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and DPM Heng Swee Keat.

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