, Singapore

Five more SIA passengers return to Singapore following SQ321 incident

74 others remain in Thailand, including those receiving medical care. 

Singapore Airlines (SIA) said five more passengers onboard SQ321 returned to the city-state on Wednesday following the severe turbulence that hit the flight this week, forcing it to divert to Bangkok. 

In an update, the airline said one crew member is scheduled to return to Singapore on Thursday. 

So far, 74 passengers and six crew members are still in Bangkok, including those in need of medical attention.

The company said it continues to reach out to its family members to provide updates and offer assistance. 

SIA Chairman Peter Seah expressed condolences to the family of the passenger who passed away in the SQ321 incident

“I assure all passengers and crew members who were on board the aircraft that we are committed to supporting them during this difficult time. I also wish to express my gratitude to everyone in Singapore, Thailand, and around the world who are assisting those affected by this incident,” he added.

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