, Singapore

One dead, 30 injured in SIA flight

The plane diverted to Bangkok after encountering severe turbulence.

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has confirmed that one passenger died in a flight from Heathrow to Singapore on 21 May after encountering severe turbulence.

“We can confirm that there are multiple injuries and one fatality on board the Boeing 777-300ER aircraft,” SIA said in a statement posted on its X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook social media accounts.

At least 18 other individuals from the flight were hospitalized and 12 others are being treated in hospitals as of 7:50PM SGT 21 May.

Other passengers and crew are “being examined and given treatment, where necessary” at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, according to SIA. A total of 211 passengers and 18 crew were on board.

Flight SQ321– which operates from London (Heathrow) to Singapore– diverted to Bangkok after reportedly experiencing severe turbulence, and landed at 3:45PM local time.

SIA offered its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.

“Singapore Airlines offers its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased. We deeply apologise for the traumatic experience that our passengers and crew members suffered on this flight. We are providing all necessary assistance during this difficult time,” the airline said in a statement.

SIA stated that it is working with its colleagues and the local authorities in Thailand to provide the necessary assistance.

A SIA team is reportedly on the way to Bangkok to provide any additional assistance needed.

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