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Singapore Airlines compensates SQ321 passengers

The airline paid passengers with serious injuries US$25,000.

Singapore Airlines has offered compensation to passengers injured from the SQ321 incident.

The airline offered US$10,000 for passengers who sustained minor injuries.

SIA also provided an advance payment of US$25,000 to passengers with serious injuries who needed long-term medical care and requested financial assistance, helping to address their immediate needs.

“This will be part of the final compensation that these passengers will receive,” SIA wrote.

Besides offering compensation, SIA will refund the airfare for all passengers of SQ321 on 20 May, including those not injured.

“All passengers will also receive delay compensation in accordance with the relevant European Union or United Kingdom regulations,” SIA wrote.

The airline initially provided all passengers with $1,000 each to cover their immediate expenses upon departure from Bangkok.

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