Photo from Milieu Insight & JustCo

SMEs prefer standard office spaces over co-working options

Only three in 10 SMEs opt for co-working spaces.

Most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) still prefer standard office spaces over co-working spaces, research from JustCo and Milieu showed.

In Singapore, five in 10 SMEs opt for standard office spaces, whilst only three in 10 go for co-working spaces.

Business parks and industrial buildings are also popular choices, with 37% and 34% of SMEs expressing a preference for them, respectively.

Few prefer shophouses (28%) when selecting a new workspace.

Location and cost aside, most SMEs (64%) care most about a workspace's available amenities and services.

The top three amenities that SMEs look for are high-speed internet & tech infrastructure (55%), access to a well-stock pantry (47%), and nap rooms or relaxation corners (37%)

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