Group Group is a leading global travel service provider comprising of, Ctrip, Skyscanner, and Qunar. Across its platforms, Group helps travellers around the world make informed and cost-effective bookings for travel products and services and enables partners to connect their offerings with users through the aggregation of comprehensive travel-related content and resources.

See below for the Latest Group News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary. posts a 60% rise in China-Singapore bookings in February

Visitors from China going to Singapore soared 825.9% YoY in February. posts a 60% rise in China-Singapore bookings in February

Visitors from China going to Singapore soared 825.9% YoY in February.

Singapore-China visa-free programme boosts CNY bookings to SG

The volume of CNY bookings to Singapore increased 206x compared to 2023.

SG tourism product searches from China rise after visa-free travel news

Visa-free travel between the countries will begin on 9 February.

Mainland tourists travelling to SG for Lunar New Year rise 499% YoY

Singapore is also amongst the top destinations for Chinese tourists.