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Workers turn to AI as workloads rise and workplace changes accelerate

Over six in 10 expect generative AI to boost efficiency within a year.

Increased workloads and rapid changes at work are driving Singapore workers to embrace upskilling and AI.

Data from PwC showed that 47% of workers experienced a significant increase in workload, and 68% noted an accelerating pace of workplace change.

Facing increasing pressures, Singapore workers turn to generative AI, with more than six in 10 expecting it to boost efficiency within a year.

Eight in 10 believe it will enhance creativity and improve work quality. 

Some employees, however, still face limited access to generative AI technology.

PwC found that less than one-third of employees (28%) feel they lack opportunities to use generative AI, 34% lack tool access, and 24% lack the knowledge to use them.

"Employers will need to invest heavily in new and emerging technology training and access," PwC suggested.

Meanwhile, most employees (81%) believe daily use of generative AI can lead to higher salaries, viewing upskilling in this technology as a pathway.

Upskilling is a priority for most employees in Singapore. It is also a factor in any decision to job-switch (72%).

More than half of employees believe employers are providing adequate opportunities for skill development.

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