, Singapore
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Almost half of workers in Singapore feel they are underpaid: survey

Arts and culture employees were the most dissatisfied.

ADP’s latest survey showed that 48% of workers in the Lion City feel underpaid in their current jobs, displaying the highest level of dissatisfaction in Asia Pacific.

This year’s ADP People at Work report revealed Singaporeans feel the most underpaid in the region, more than respondents in India (41%), Australia (42%), Japan (36%) and China (31%).

Employees in the arts and culture industry were the most dissatisfied with their pay with 67% in agreement, followed by respondents in the professional services (55%) and the architecture, engineering and building industries (50%).

The survey also showed how workers in Singapore place an even higher importance on salary this year at 71%, up from 69% last year.

Without salary increases, employees said they would be happy with other forms of compensation such as bonuses, additional paid time off, vouchers, or even shortened work schedules.

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