Photo from HERE Technologies

Singapore fleet managers face data, safety challenges: study

Innovative tech is crucial to drive growth, reduce costs.

The majority of transportation and logistics (T&L) professionals in Singapore agreed that the major barriers to achieving supply chain and fleet visibility were limited data capabilities and predictive analytics.

A new study by HERE Technologies and Amazon Web Services showed 34% of fleet managers in the city-state have indicated that key performance indicators (KPIs) related to reducing vehicle dwell time are not being met effectively, while a quarter reported challenges in improving vehicle and driver safety. 

The report showed how the rise in asset-tracking technology generated plenty of data for fleet managers to utilise but challenges remain in leveraging data.

The survey showed 29% of respondents agreed that improving operational efficiency is their
primary investment driver, while the priority of 27% is to prevent additional costs on accidents and insurance premiums.

“This underscores the critical role of innovative technologies in driving business growth and minimize costs,” the report noted.

Costs and choosing the right partners and suppliers were the biggest barriers to technology adoption for fleet managers in the city-state.

The report was based on a survey of 300 T&L decision-makers across Americas, EMEA and APAC regions, including Singapore.

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