Ryde executives during NYSE listing in April

Ryde announces European stock listings

The firm makes FSE and XSTU debut.

Singapore-based ride-hailing app Ryde has completed its secondary listing on the Frankfurt (FSE) and Stuttgart (XSTU) Stock Exchanges under the ticker D0S.

Ryde expects the dual listings to help the company tap a wider global investor base in different markets while retaining its primary listing.

This came shortly after the company had its IPO on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in April, making history as the first-ever Singaporean ride-hailing start-up to debut on the NYSE.

“By listing on the Frankfurt and Stuttgart Stock Exchanges, we are strategically expanding our investor base and making Ryde's unique value proposition more accessible to the European markets. We will be appointing new investor relations advisors in Germany to raise awareness of the Ryde value proposition,” said Ryde CEO and Founder, Terence Zou.

Ryde, known as the world’s first on-demand carpooling app since 2014, offers a wide range of mobility services from carpooling, private hire, taxi and delivery.

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