Photo by Ant Rozetsky via Unsplash

KSH Holdings incurs $31.5m net loss in FY24

Revenue for the period also fell by 28.2%.

KSH Holdings Limited reported a net loss of $31.5m for the fiscal year ending 31 March, a sharp contrast to the $22.1m profit recorded in the previous year.

The company also witnessed a decline in revenue, plummeting by 28.2% from $298.0m in FY2023 to $214.1m in FY2024. The was primarily attributed to decreased revenue from its construction operations.

“Our construction business’s performance in FY2024 was impacted by the pandemic’s effects on projects awarded just before or during that period,” said Choo Chee Onn, executive chairman and managing director of KSH.

“As we navigate through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, our focus remains on sustainable growth by leveraging our track record and expertise to foster further developments,” he stated.

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