, Singapore
/Tokio Marine.

Tokio Marine opens new financial advisory arm in Singapore

The life insurer aims to offer a more integrated financial service experience.

Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore opened its new financial advisory arm, the Tokio Marine Financial Advisers (Singapore) in April.

The insurer said this strategic move enables the life insurer to offer clients a more integrated financial service experience, covering financial planning and wealth management.

“TMFAS synergises the best that TMLS and our partners have to offer. We are grateful for our dedicated advisors, who continue to deliver a high quality of service following the transition. TMLS also extends our heartfelt gratitude to our clients for their trust and support,” Jun Tokura, Deputy CEO of TMLS, said in a press release.

Cheong Kum Foo, CEO of TMFAS, added, "We are proud to address clients' concerns and serve their financial needs holistically at TMFAS. We will continue to seek opportunities to expand our product offerings and enhance our advisory capabilities to better support our clients in their financial planning and wealth management journey."


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