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FCT manager appoints Annie Lee as CFO

She will succeed Audrey Tan.

Frasers Centrepoint Trust (FCT) manager, Frasers Centrepoint Asset Management (FCAM), has appointed Annie Khung Shyang Lee as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Khung will assume her responsibilities as CFO on 9 August, following Audrey Tan's resignation on 8 August.

Khung will report directly to CEO Richard Ng and collaborate with the Board and management team to support FCT’s strategy implementation, overseeing its financial performance.

She will also oversee the financial, taxation, treasury and compliance functions of FCT and FCAM.

Khung has over two decades of experience in financial and management reporting, corporate finance, consolidation, taxation, treasury, capital management, compliance and audit.

Before this appointment, she was an auditor for Ernst & Young and worked with Far East Hospitality Trust and Keppel Infrastructure Trust. She also serves as the Head of Finance at FCAM.

Khung graduated from the University of Adelaide, South Australia, with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and a Bachelor of Finance, and is a Chartered Accountant of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and a member of CPA, Australia.

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