AIMS APAC REIT achieves 6.6% NPI growth, hitting $34.4m in Q1 2025
Despite the improved NPI, the REIT declared a 1.7% YoY lower DPU.
AIMS APAC REIT (AA REIT) reported a 6.6% YoY higher net property income (NPI) of $34.4m in Q1 2025, owing to higher rental growth, strong rental reversions, and high tenant retention rates.
In Q1 2025, the REIT achieved a positive rental reversion rate of 12.8% and an occupancy rate of 97.3%. It also executed four new and 12 renewal leases.
The higher NPI helped boost the REIT’s distributions to unitholders to $18.4m, up 7.3% YoY.
Despite higher distribution and NPI, the REIT declared a 1.7% YoY lower distribution per unit (DPU) of $0.02270 due to the enlarged units following the equity fundraising completed in Q2 2024.